Yellow building

177 thoughts on “Yellow building”

  1. Those buildings look rather solid…but said to hear that they have been flooded. Lovely poem to go with the photos. Sometimes some of us have it hard and do what we have to do to make a better life in this world. Take every opportunity and hope for the best. Love how you ended the poem with ‘a land filled with cherry’. That must be a very, very sweet land 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yeah I tried to find from Google an image that looks nearest to the buildings I saw. They were pretty solid and seeing the water marks rising to such high levels was scary!
      Absolutely, we should always thrive for a better life no matter what the conditions are ☺☺
      Thank you so much for going through my poem and leaving behind such kind words ☺☺ Land of cherry does seems to be a tempting place to take a break❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The flooding added a serious element to this post.
    A poem about simple country life. . .This was simply lovely and added some fun in the land with cherry, what a helpful person taking care of herself and the Blind!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. This made me think, great words, my brother is in his 3rd year of a 4 year degree and he’s started to wonder what’s next and look for internships etc, wondering and worrying about the future is something as a musician I try not to do 🌸🌸🌸

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You are right. Worrying about the future never helps. Rather improving the present and strengthening the base sorts out everything ☺☺
      Best of luck for your music, you are already on a high! I love reading your articles and looking at the pictures ❤❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks a lot Ramesh! Means lots coming from one of the most interesting poets I know☺
        The building looked very rustically beautiful. Almost abandoned isolated to live its own charm. And I just made up, what must the life be on a day inside the building.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I’m so sorry to hear that!! Its the weather, having similar issue with me also, a very tiring headache.
        I hope you get better soon, hot tea with ginger might help, that’s what I’m having.

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi, I know that you’ve been a regular on my blog, but I want to thank you for the follow. I wish you well as a software engineer. Take care now.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. I still haven’t joined any job actually. I got the offer letters and is supposed to join after I’ve officially finished my degree ☺☺ But college was tough nevertheless. Even though I chilled to the level of infinity in this one last year of college 😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope you are well, Mithai. Have you finalized your plans for after graduation or will you be taking the summer off? I’m sure you have loads of great options, and a big future in store. I wish you all things good. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Anna. I hope you are good ☺☺
      Graduation is soon, even though still a few major exams ahead.
      Yes I’ve made plans about what I’m gonna be doing after that…… its quite radical actually, fingers crossed 😊😊 I’ll speak more about it after I graduate…..I hope it works out ☺☺
      Thank you for checking up on me, I’m eagerly waiting to do another blog post❤❤
      Have a great week, love you😘😘

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Bonsoir ou bonjour

    Une belle amitié
    C’est deux mains sur un clavier
    Le passage sur un profil

    Une image que l’on dépose

    Sur une personne que l’on apprécie
    De quelqu’un gentil et sage
    On dépose des petits mots bien placés
    Dans ce joli petit monde
    Moi je suis toujours là pour faire sourire
    Et cela me fait toujours plaisir
    Au fond de mon coeur
    Je t’offre ce bonheur
    Je te dis bonne nuit ou bonjour

    gros bisous


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Bonjour cher Bernard, comment avez-vous été? C’était un calendrier assez difficile pour moi. Mais je vous remercie énormément d’avoir pris un temps précieux pour me rendre visite et laisser derrière moi un doux poème. Cela me fait sentir mieux 🙂 J’espère que tout va être fantastique pour votre cher ami, je vous souhaite une bonne nuit 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Everything’s great! Done with 3rd year and recruitment trainings will be starting soon… And blogging had a long pause so I need to resume it soon now.
        How is it going with you? Working with some mnc? Or implement your own ideas?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well its going quite exciting for me too 😆😆
        I received the joining date of the first company.
        But I didn’t take it😊😊
        I’m actually implementing my own ideas, just concentrating on the business for now.
        Joining for the 2nd company is supposed to come soon…..I’m still deciding what to do…..I might take that up….but I’m not sure……kinda still thinking it out but really enjoying working on my business 😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Bonjour ou bonsoir
    S’il existe un sentiment
    Pas toujours perçu a sa juste valeur, c’est bien l’amitié

    Elle est beaucoup plus sincère et profonde

    Que la simple camaraderie

    Redonne souvent de l’espoir quand la vie est difficile
    L’amitié ne s’épanouit de respect et d’honnêteté
    Voila donc pourquoi, jouir de ton amitié
    D’une personne comme toi, est un immense privilège
    Que rien au monde ne serait remplacer
    Je te souhaite une belle et agréable journée ou soirée

    Je te fais de Gros Bisous.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cher Bernard, toujours une journée brillante pour entendre mon ami. Tous vos poèmes m’ont apporté le bonheur et la joie. Je chéris votre amitié et j’espère le chérir pendant de nombreuses années. Je vous souhaite un dimanche extraordinaire mon ami.


  8. Hey, this is a beautiful poem…:-) It reflects a good number of households in today’s world where getting money means everything.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Bonsoir ou bonjour

    Tiens je pense à toi

    Aux gentils messages que tu m’apportes sur mon blog

    C’est comme un rayon de soleil

    Ceux-ci me mettent du bleu au cœur et celui-ci resplendit de joie

    Quel bonheur que tu me donnes

    Que de joie j’éprouve

    Je tiens à te remercier

    Belle journée ou belle soirée

    Bisous Bernard

    Un Peu De Tendresse

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello, how have you been?? Hope everything is going great with you. I’m sorry for the late reply, have been extremely caught up for sometime.
      You are absolutely right.
      I believe rich poor, different countries, this generation or previous generations, some things are always common and never change ☺☺
      You too take care and have a great day 😊😊


  10. Bonjour mon ami ou mon amie

    Je n’ai aucune raison de courir

    La vie me donne le temps

    Soit dans le sens du vent ou à contre courant

    Mais je vais toujours devant moi

    Même si parfois je piétine ou je vais à reculons

    Mais je réussirais et traverserais ce pont de L’avenir

    Pour finalement arriver chez toi

    Je te souhaite une agréable journée

    Gros bisous d’amitié



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