Few candid words

122 thoughts on “Few candid words”

  1. Not only are there many good people left in the world, I proclaim that the majority of people on our planet are good! While a smile is the universal language that crosses all language barriers, goodness is the universal action that touches people. Yes … the world has many bad people – and some of which are horrible … The news has a tendency to drag us done, yet I continue to believe the majority of the world is good … and yes, blogging supports that notion.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Sorry for the late reply, I had missed out on the notification.
      I completely agree with you πŸ™‚ The reason the world is still running today is because if the goodness still left. And day by day I think its gonna increase and we are approaching toward a more honest world πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lol… I don’t think your blog was hacked 😜😜… Hey 2exams a day for a week! I had those moments 2 times this semister😏😏 also that viva thing😜😜… I have a month of exams too starting from December.. Haha that viva meme is too funny right, I heard it too..
    My best wishes for your zillion exams 😜… Long comments for long posts πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Everyone has those moments 2 times per semester buddy, its Engineering πŸ˜‰
      But in 2nd year, 3rd sem you guys are learning pretty much useless stuffs πŸ˜‰
      Real game starts from 4th sem πŸ˜‰
      Buy lots of Horlicks n Bournvita then mix’em up coz you’re gonna need all the energy you cn get :p :p
      And thank you for your wishes, all my best wishes for your exams too!!
      You’re gonna rock’em cheers!! πŸ˜€

      Liked by 3 people

      1. You know what, you are thinking a lot, nothing happen😜😜… I don’t need any of those Horlicks or bounveta or mixture… I am strong enough πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ😜… Is that really tough I don’t think so… Anyway I am not learning junk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚… And I am not the topper too, but let’s see how future surprises….
        If that’s terrible, I will be coming for your suggestions…😜😜. Big girl rightπŸ˜‚
        Many thanks for your wishes…


  3. You ate always a charm babe. .. so bubbly and enthusiastic. . I made a good decision to start my day reading your blog. πŸ™‚ always very cheerful.
    Keep up all that momentum gal. All the very best for your exams. πŸ™‚ n get back soon. . Pls.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awww darl, its always so wonderful talking to you!!
      Its almost 5am now but babe you just charged me with your enthusiasm and cheerfulness!! πŸ˜€
      Thank you so much for your wishes, I really really wanna get back soon as I miss you guys so freaking much but these kambakth exams won’t get over till Christmas 😦
      But heh, always here for little chit chats.
      Lots of love :* ❀

      Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s so sweet of you πŸ™‚
        well, some times the better way to get over things in life is by going through them dear. be done with all those kambakth shaitaans n get back. πŸ™‚ Good luck.. see you soon!

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Kya shraap de rahi ho yaar woh hacker hahaha. πŸ˜‰
    Anyway.. Viva me ye hota hain ki answer woh khud tumse jaan Na chahta hain.;)
    Yeah true. Continuous study will drain ur energy. U need to take time to refresh and rejuvenate ur self. Blogging is one of the best thing u r doing for that..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If there’s anything more boring than semesters, that’s practicals!!
      Files, viva, assignment…..BORING!!
      They make us write the files but don’t even check them properly!!
      You’re right blogging is the best refreshment…..reading, talking & making friends…..can’t get better πŸ˜€
      A very happy weekends and lots of best wishes, tc πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A wonderful post to read!!
    Well said about the blogging friends in here, Even I have made many friends whom I personally don’t know but we read, comment and lough together πŸ™‚
    Happy thanksgiving to you too πŸ™‚ keep smiling, keep posting and stay blessed.
    Good luck!! πŸ™‚ bye bye …

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Bobby for going through my looong posts!! πŸ˜‰ I tried to keep it short this time πŸ˜‰
      Its so great isn’t it to have such wonderful friends here to talk to!! I’m so thankful to have all you guys to talk to, makes my day πŸ™‚
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and lots of best wishes and good thoughts!! πŸ˜€
      A very Happy weekend my friend!! πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for following my blog, and thank you also for all the enthusiastic Likes I received from you. But now I have to wonder if it was perhaps the hacker and not you at all! Ah, well, either way, it was good to be noticed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol thank you so much for visiting my blog!! πŸ˜€
      The hacker didn’t hack my blog. He only got into one of my email ids.
      So it was me who had a wonderful tine in your blog!! πŸ˜€
      A very happy weekend to you πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh it’s exactly the same here! I’ve gotten to know the most generous, kind and loving people here on WordPress then any other “real platform” πŸ˜€ Aese hi nahi mai inhe apni WordPress family kehti πŸ˜› I love you guys just like family. Blogging really was one of the best decisions of my life ^_^ Thank you Mithai for being a wonderful part of it ❀

    Btw good luck on the exams! 2 a day? That's brutal!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Mithai – Thank you for following my blog. I hope you will enjoy it – pictures or history ramblings. Wishing you the best in your studies and future career. Des.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nice one Mithai, it was a good read😊 i dont know if this blog of yours was already posted long ago but i do want to leave a comment to say that you are an amazing one and you inspired me to blogπŸ˜„ keep it up and goodluck on your studies😊

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kindest words!! Means a lot to me to to hear such wonderful words from you πŸ˜€ I’m very glad you are looking forward to blog more πŸ™‚ I loved going through your blog and its a fantastic start. I too wish you all the best for life and studies!!
      Lots of love ❀ ❀

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Your heartfelt sentiments brought tears to my eyes, Mithai. It’s sad that many are misled by the media’s fixation with all the bad things and people, but so wonderful that you had your eyes opened by the generosity if the blogging world. I refuse to believe that most humans are bad. ❀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ohhh Christine your words touched me at the deepest core πŸ™‚ Yes blog is a diversified place where you get to meet so my amazing people and get to know the better version of the world πŸ˜€
      I feel very privileged to have met you all!!
      My heartfelt thanks and love to you!! πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading!! πŸ˜€
      I love it that you take some of your time to read and always leave behind such beautiful comments πŸ˜€
      My exams just got over woohoo πŸ˜‰
      Wishing you a happy weekend and a very exciting Christmas coming ahead!!
      ❀ ❀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Robin πŸ™‚
      Blogging has really occupied a huge portion of my life and becoming friends with all of you has been a very enriching experience for me πŸ™‚

      And what happened in Paris is a very unfortunate incident, one of the worst of humanity. I pray for the innocent souls and hope the world gains peace and rationality and overcomes this madness.

      Anyways Its always so good to talk you πŸ˜€ Your beautiful comments always make me happy and inspire me πŸ™‚

      Lots of love and hugs to you πŸ˜€
      ❀ ❀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mithai, your vision of a possible fairy tale land is the way I inhabit my life. Looking at people and trying to find a special element in each person is a good way to handle Life. It may seem on some days, when a hacker invades your space, a car hits you or someone hurts your feelings but believing that good things will replace these bad ones helps us all to get through. Lots of love and hugs to you, back! β™‘β™‘

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I believe you Robin πŸ™‚ There is always something special about every person πŸ˜€ And very glad you are living a fairly tale life, only we ourselves can make our lives like that πŸ˜€ Very glad to be friends with a beautiful person like you πŸ˜€
        A very Happy New Year to you and your family πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Always great to see how many people follow you but you are kind to each person. β™‘β™‘ You should become a psychologist or doctor with wisdom beyond your years, Mithai. Take care and relax, if you have more time now. Otherwise, keep pursue your goals and “keep your eyes on the prize!” πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ Hugs, Robin

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I haven’t been able to blog in the last few days due to this bad cold I caught,
        But blogging is always one of the most pleasurable activities to me. I feels so awesome to talk to all of you, share stories and thoughts…..it definitely helps me grow and learn πŸ™‚
        Thank you so much for your support and inspiration…… yeah it gets a bit hectic a lot of times but as you said beautifully, eye on the prize πŸ™‚
        Ps. My mom wanted me to be a doc πŸ˜‰
        Love and hugs to you ❀ ❀


  11. Your post is very delightful. I had a first laugh of the day. You are witty, wise and delightful. Wish you all the best. You are so right about virtual friends. I’ll add one more point. here age doesn’t matter. Whereas in personal life no one wants to mix with old people. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Again thank you so much for your beautiful words!! πŸ˜€
      Your comments always make me very happy!! πŸ™‚
      And I completely agree with you, age doesn’t matter in blog. Its a great point you mentioned!! And that’s why blogging is such an enriching experience, everyone got something to teach and learn πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
      Lots of love and big hugs to you too πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Love yr blog. It’s funny, interesting and refreshing. I’ll certainly be back. Sorry to learn that you’ve not been feeling up to par. Welcome back!
    P.S. Thanks for the visit to my blog and the subsequent follow.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Hello! Lovely blog you have here. I couldn’t agree more about how blogging should be fun and creative and expressive. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for stopping by Flaggfan and following me.:) Your numerous LIKES are much appreciated, too! Have a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Dustin for visiting!! πŸ˜€ Glad to have you here πŸ™‚
      Yes blogging is an incredible way to enrich yourself and know the world better!!
      Have an amazing week!! πŸ˜€
      See ya πŸ™‚


  14. “But these days can you blindly trust the β€˜real’ people? You see in news about all the extraordinary crimes committed by ordinary people.
    No matter how well or how long you know someone, you always gotta watch your back.

    So blogging can a very healthy activity.
    Because here, no one’s trying to impress others or planning scams. Everyone’s just taking a break to express themselves.
    And that’s the best way to know someone.”

    Me siento inclinado a darte la razΓ³n y compartir tu reflexiΓ³n. Me ha gustado.


  15. Hi Mythai I just found this wonderful post. What a splendid way you have of looking at life, and yes we make many friends through blogging. For instance , I was blogging with a friend from Colorado for 4 years. Her name was Joy who then decided to visit us here in Crete and we had a wonderful two weeks together. You can read all about us on my blog the title is A DAY TO REMEMBER. You will find it on Pages. Thanks to you for the likes x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that’s such a beautiful experience Rita!! I would love to read about it πŸ˜€ Meeting your blogger friends in person must be such a thrilling feeling!! Lots of best wishes to you and Joy…..and I’ll let you know the soonest as I read your post πŸ˜€
      Wishing you a wonderful week ahead πŸ™‚


      1. Hi again Mithai you will be surprised when you read because that lovely lady passed away not long after. So I was so pleased that I had those precious 2 weeks with her. Wishing you also a great week.

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      2. Hello Rita,
        I’m extremely sorry for the late reply. I wanted to go through your posts in more depth that’s why I waited till the weekends. The last few days turned out to be a bit hectic. But today I went through it and tried to find the post you were talking about. But unfortunately I couldn’t find it. Could you please send me a link of it.
        Blogger friends are extremely precious. The kind of unconditional friendship we form with them is beyond hearts. I can imagine how sad and shocking it must have been. I’m very sorry to hear this. May her wonderful soul rest in peace.
        Please send me the link, I want to know about her more.
        It’s very sad to hear…..the kind of bond we form here, I can’t imagine losing any of them.

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      3. Hi Mithai, If you go to ” CATAGORIES ” on the side panel on my blog you will see the heading ” A Day to Remember ” click on it and it will take you straight to the post about my dear friend Joy. From Rita.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I found the most my dear Rita. It was a beautiful read, brought tears to my eyes but I’m very grateful you shared such an amazing experience with me. And its wonderful how net helps us meet such wonderful people.
        Joy was a beautiful and talented person, thank you sharing her memories with you.


  16. hello Mithai I am coming here for the first time and just love your posts. And by the way did you know Mithai means sweetmeat in hindi language πŸ™‚


  17. Difficile pour moi de lire, et de comprendre.. Mais je vous remercie de vos passages sur le blog..
    Je vous souhaite une excellente journΓ©e..


  18. Haha, I can totally agree with that External wala joke. Esa hee karte hain ye log. 😦

    Anyways, apun log bhi khoob badha chada ke confuse karte hain, haina?!

    As they say, if you can’t convince them, at least confuse them πŸ˜‰

    Maza aagaya Mithai. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahahaha… Actually huh, iss baar hee mujse esa pucha Ki ye numbering kese hoti hain MS mein? Then I answered him. Accha, ye kyun karna hain, aur agar naa karu to mein? Iska kya alternative hain? Title baar suna ke batao!! 😦

        I’m like what the… Really? Usse me akela hee nazar aaraha hoon kya? There were more 4 students with me, unko aaram karwaya 😦

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      2. Hahaha.. Arre haa you raised another thing which these people do.

        US’s din samosas and chai aaya to, nakhre dekho aap inke, aadha samosa kha dala then he started his drama Ki ye kesa samosa hain, chai bhi thandi ho gayi. I was like ye bukkad aadmi kya khane ke liye idhar aaya hain? Idhar baccho ka BHAWISHYO Ki band baji padi hain and Mr External wants garma garam hospitality. Hahahaha!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha…….
        I can’t stop laughing. Hahahahahhahaa…. Imagine kmbhi kar liya . . . hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha *bas bas bas* πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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    1. Lozz you are an examiner!! I hope I didn’t make you angry with my post!! πŸ™‚
      Examiners here just ask questions out of syllabus. We hardly get time to finish our syllabus…..who can afford to study extra!!
      So how do you take exams?? πŸ™‚
      And what language is your blog in if I may know? πŸ™‚


  19. Hi Mithai! I switched on today and it was a lovely surprise to see all those likes from you. Thank you so much! Which reminds me that I need to get over here pretty sharp and read all the new posts from you. Look at it this way: every cloud has a silver lining. If the ###@@@’ hacker hadn’t hacked you, we wouldn’t have had a chance to read this brilliant post from you. Hope the exams are going well for you – hope you pass with flying colours! XxX

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  20. Ahem! OK, so I’m a little behind! A year exactly -damn! Didn’t read the date properly. How did the exams go? I hope you did really well, and I need to change my specs – saw November 2016 instead of 2015 – oooh, shame! :O

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The exams went well. I got 2 jobs sometimes back, one of them in an MNC. I’ll be joining any one of them next year after finishing college. And these day, I’m just relaxing…..not much of studying, even though exams going onπŸ˜‰

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  21. Thanks for visiting my blog. I like the energy in your writing but one post I read was huge, I like posts a little bit smaller, like a tasty snack☺ I also like that you talk about India, a country that I have not yet visited. I love Indian food but there it would be amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes some of my posts get very loOooong lol! πŸ˜‚ I guess I just get a bit carried away😁 Thank you for going through my posts, I’m looking forward to read more from you☺ Have a good day πŸ˜€

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