
387 thoughts on “Nani”

  1. Bonjour

    je passe comme promis sur ton joli blog

    Je te dépose un rayon de lumière

    tendresse et bonheur

    Ton blog j’aime le feuilleté lire tes écris , tes poèmes tes montages ou autres toujours un énorme plaisir de découvrir tes nouveautés

    Passe une très belle journée que ce soit en famille enfants ou entre amis

    Bisous amitié


    Liked by 5 people

    1. My prayers for your grandma. I’m sure she’s still with you, watching over all of you and showering her love and blessings 🙂
      We also think that my grandma is in a better place and still by our side, protecting us 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I ‘m so sorry to hear this Christopher. I pray for the peace of his soul. He’s always with you and looking after you….and I’m sure my grandma too is with us.
        Take care, love and hugs my friend!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. You have brought her to life again in your loving post.
    And thank you for reading all my posts. I have a poem about my grandfather on my site -Building the Queen Mary. You might identify with the sentiments….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I tried to give her the respectful and loving tribute she deserves for her tenacity and love.
      I loved your blog, all your posts are so unique and interesting ☺
      Please give me the date you posted the blog about your dear grandfather, I’ll visit it again☺

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I thanks to them for their message she arrived. and I’m a very optimistic person, and I believe that Allah has sense from everything he has built and we had to in the would like to thank in good or bad pages that live.

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  3. This is a beautiful post Mithai. Thank you for sharing and may your Nani rest in peace. On a slightly less beautiful note 🙂 I just wanted to thank you for the follow, if I haven’t already done so and I look forward to reading more of your lovely posts.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s been such a pleasure visiting Mithai. I should’ve come before – sorry! Nani has been such a wonderful influence on your life, the essence of her will always be your guiding light.
        Oh Mithai I did not get to observe the Super Moon yesterday, but there was a very beautiful one the night before and because I missed out, I’ll use that one as MY super moon. Lots of love xXx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It is so lovely to have the love and support of family Mithai, it gives you the strength to negotiate all that life throws at you. I am glad that you can remember that of your dear nani.
        The moon is so special, I love looking at it whether it is super or ordinary. :)))
        Lots of love xXx

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Negotiating with every obstacle, very true! You need such good people beside you to keep the hope alive and the heart warm and powerful ☺ Otherwise its very difficult to find inspiration to keep on fighting ☺
        I love your words and comments, you seem to be an extremely warm and kind person ☺

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you so much for your lovely comment about my words. I try to as kind as possible and I hope it will be returned to me, which I have found on WordPress talking to such wonderful people like yourself. Love to you.xXx 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry to hear about your loss. Nani was clearly an angel and an inspiration to you. Always treasure those memories. I lost my granduncle some months ago, he was a stalwart of my family, so I can understand your grief. xx


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  5. I am a bit late on offering my condolences. I am sure even after these months have passed she is still in your heart and memories, and you will always carry them with you.

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  6. Dear Mithai,

    Although you miss your Nani a lot, you have helped share her wisdom with the world by writing your story. And in doing so, you have also shown the readers that your Nani was very successful in teaching you her morals and values that continue to live on in you.

    Liked by 1 person

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